- Secret Keeper -
"A mystery upon mystery.
Lies and truths mixed together with a danger for all those that seek more."
Name ➸ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋
Alias ➸ Crow
Age ➸ 31
Height ➸ 5'10 5'8
Birthplace ➸ ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋
Race ➸ ▋▋▋▋▋ Hyur
Status ➸ Unavailable
Gender ➸ 'Cis' Male | He/him
Sexuality ➸ Gay | Aromantic
Previous Residence ➸ ▋▋▋
Current Residence ➸ ▋▋▋ ▋▋
Disabilities ➸ Partial hearing | Lost eye
Occupation ➸ Assassin
Alignment ➸ Neutral Evil
Spoken ➸ Eorzean | Sign
Mental State ➸ ▋▋▋▋▋
Tarot ➸ The Hermit
Echo ➸ Aetherical aligned synesthesia
"All these details, hidden to the natural eye.
What will it take to uncover his secrets?"
Lithe and slightly underweight. Crow is of average height for a hyur, though his form is slightly more on the androgynous side. Much of his clothes, however, hides this figure and bulks out his build.
Scars & Marks
Crow is battle-worn, tired, and the marks that blanket his body proves just how much. A large, jagged but healed scar travels across the right side of his face- from forehead to jaw, destroying his eye until it was replaced with a glass replica.
Small slices litter his fingers from his younger, inexperienced self's foray with knives. The scars only increase in size, but lessen in quantity further across his limbs.
Both under and over his many scars is the ink that he's gotten over the years. His chest is painted with a large Crow spread out with a trailing line of symbols going down. His back is filled with a scene of stars and constellations; bright like the view from the middle of the ocean. And his arms are covered with different types of images and artwork typical of a Limsa Lominsan pirate sailor.
The most noticeable of tattoos is his patented black stripe across his face. In his younger years, it used to simply be paint but eventually the hyur decided to make his signature motif more permanent.
Just like any corvid, Crow likes to collect objects. Silver and black rings cover his fingers of all different sizes and styles with many more he hides away for replacements and different looks.
His ears are lined with an assortment piercings and his middle upper lip is pierced with a small black stud along with his tongue.
A single rough leather rope hangs loosely around his neck holding a partially cracked skull of a crow.
Crow is a hard person to rile up. His cocky attitude lends itself to keeping him level headed in most situations; though, this can lead to some irritation of others involved with the man's extremely laissez-faire behavior along with his usual sly tone.
The times when the hyur becomes serious only shows when his job becomes apart of the equation but, due to his rather elusive nature, this side of him is rarely seen by others.
The man is always seen covered head to toe in dark fabric. His usual go-to look includes his dark cloth jacket that falls to his shins with an oversized hood. The hood hides most of his facial features with the parts that are not, are instead hidden with a worn, tight black mask.
If he is ever seen in anything else, it would still follow the same style choices of: long, flowing, and dark to hide as much of himself as possible.
He wears nothing new. Everything is frayed or sewn back together with mismatching thread.
"There is always more than meets the eye..."
An old journal was found hidden inside a cabinet. Leather bound journal, slightly worn, and a little dusty but otherwise, completely legible.
Dated 20 turns ago was an entry written in neat cursive.
"...had to punish the problem pair, once again. It is only a sennight into this moon and I have already kicked them out, into the night, twice now. I swear it's that feral brat that's pulling the other one down to his level.
Always knew something was messed up in his head ever since I saw the lad hide his ears and stuff his feet into ill-fitting hyur shoes.
Once of age, I will be kicking out the pair at the same time. Those six turns can't come soon enough..."
A note was found in an empty desk. The writing was almost washed away, smudged from the years of dew that soaked the parchment and its wooden coffin. This is what was left.
A lost child, with no identification, found on the pirate ship ▋▋▋▋▋ that ▋▋▋▋ ▋▋ ▋▋▋ from the ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋
When first attempting to retrieve the boy, he injured two of our officers with his claws. He refuses touch, or care except for the meal we offered.
He seems to be ▋▋▋ turns old. Brown hair and fur, blue eyes. Malnourished. Too young to remember anything.
The guards have sent him to Matron Hilde's in ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋
Left in box at the back of the storage room with other adventurer admission forms. All seem to date before the calamity with the recorded date of when it was stored is after the event. Most, if not all, have "Deceased" or "Missing" stamped at the bottom.
This one has been tampered with.
Name: _____ ▋▋▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋______
Age: ___19_____
Race: ___Ve▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋▋___
Trained by: __Jarga Hemsmite_______
Proficiency: _Knives, Short Sword, Wind Aether.__
Assigned: ___Party 134-C | Starling Party____
Date: __▋▋ ▋▋▋ ▋▋▋▋_____
Other: _[MISSING]____ [DECEASED]______
An excerpt from an official maelstrom report about a series of thefts around Red Rooster Stead.
There is a direct quote from one of the local farmers that live in that area.
"He was quite young. Couldn't have been younger than 20 to 25 turns. Dark hair, probably brown. Had those feet that those folks have and ran fast when we saw him. He was on the smaller side, thin too. Under his cap was some floppy ea-"
You know too much
"Never ending wounds does the blood flow..."
A thirst.
Something out of his control.
Built up from generations of violence - a hunger for blood and flesh. There is nothing he can do but kill. To destroy. Over and over and over until he is bathed in the stench of death. No peace will ever come, no matter how many lives he must end. For there will always be that want to continue.Others must die for the crow to live.
You know too much
"This... Overwhelming power.
Untouched, barely known.
Wasted on a fool."
blah blah blah writing go brrrr but not right now :)
You know too much
"Fallen black feathers create a trail.
To follow is to step into the dark."
Please note that anything heard from the Shadows or the Dead should be talked about OOC first before bringing it into an RP scene, especially in public. Otherwise, Crow will simply deny it or usher the character away for a more private talk.
Whispers from the Street
Not many know of this man's name. A closely guarded secret that stays between him and those who he trusts; those who dare not utter it aloud are soon to be as lost as the Hyur's true identity.
Fight club and bar hopper
It's not rare to see the young man in the corners of different establishments. Betting always being a vice of his while he watches the violence of fight clubs unfold in front of him. He commonly is with some sort of liquor or drug in hand while hanging around some shady places; listening in to different conversations at bars as he hides in plain sight.
Whispers from the Shadows
'Friend' of the guild
Being a man from Limsa Lominsa, Crow has been associated with the darker parts of the rogues guild for years. He used to frequently hang around and inside their hideout. The Hyur has also been known to work with them on more under the table type jobs.
Dirty Work
Crow's main job is to pick up odd jobs that may need a not-so-morally correct person to complete. This varies from small snatch-and-grabs and general thievery to full on mercenary or headhunting work.
Whispers from the Dead
Raging winds
Those who may be more sensitive to aether would notice a strong leaning towards the element aero. His control over it isn't the best due to never having any formal training but it is also something he doesn't use to his best of his ability unless completely necessary.
A keeper of death
This man has a way to always be around the misfortune. Death has followed him for years and it seems he is only going down deeper into the darkness. With his aura of darkness, it is easy for him to attract those like him and those worse than him. Temptation to fall further is just a small step away.
The Shadow
Whispers grow louder in the dark of a new face within a group of unknowns. Those who work from within the shadows for a man known only by Vraarán •Vah-han• The connection between this man and the Hyur is unconfirmed for anyone that may know more would find themselves Dead Over Water.
"People are simply tools to be used;
Thrown away when broken or finished with their role."
Aldous Yaegar

Aldous | Al | Brother
Considered as the last person who knows the real Crow. Aldous is Crow's younger brother - unrelated by blood. Though, that is something he would never let anyone else know; for Aldous' safety. To the public eye, the pair are business partners. Al works as Crow's proxy for the rest of his contacts- letting the younger brother's cheerful demeanor be used as a diversion from the eyes of the law and allowing the assassin to stay as elusive as possible.
From sheer chance to countless meetings then after, Cyphera and Crow grew closer than the Hyur may have liked. He fell for the man in the only way his flawed heart could; forever faithful and committed. But the same couldn't be said for the other. Cy betrayed Crow to the point that made the man fight back, leaving his ex-husband in a pool of his own blood and forever out of his life.
Cyphera Runtela

Istanya Runtela

What used to be Crow's main contact, was another Viera that he became estranged to once he was betrayed by her brother. Never once did he look back from the people he used to call family, who had taken him in and gave him a new life; for now, he was determined to create his own life in his own way, like he should've done from the start.
A man who has somehow caused only strife for Crow. Though, that displeasure and mistrust is completely one-sided. From their first meeting, the stubborn-to-a-fault Hyur has disliked Ninve and has refused to change his mind since.
Ninve Isilwyn

Purple Shite | Grape Bastard
| Crow | 21+ | They/Them |
Hello! Thank you for reading through my carrd. This was a lot of work and I'm really proud of the entire profile.
Some quick things of note:
I only RP with characters and players who are 21+ for the themes I prefer to explore are dark in nature. Story arcs and character development is what I strive for most with my RP. I also have a Mare Sync code that I am more than willing to give out considering how different Crow looks with his mods :>
The most important piece of information you need to be aware of is that Crow is not a good person. He lies, cheats, steals, and constantly tried to stur up shit whenever he feels like it. He is a cocky asshole, incredibly brash, and does not get along with most people.
I, OOCly, am not like that, of course - even if we do share the same name!
Crow's actions do not reflect my own opinion about you or your character.
It is also important to for me to mention that while Crow may insult people or just be mean to them, he will NEVER be bigoted. I do not stand for homophobia, transphobia, racism, or ableism etc. in RP.
Crow is an edgy little fuck.

This is a joke. Don't leave.
♥ - Mature/Dark RP
♥ - Para/Multi RP + Mirror RP
♥ - Private or Public RP
♥ - Long-term or Short-term RP
♥ - In-game or Discord RP
♥ - Combat RP *
With Planning
⁇ - Major Injury
⁇ - Character Death
⁇ - Lore-bending
⁇ - ERP **
Not Allowed
X - Underage RPers + OCs
X - Non-con [both ERP + godmodding]
X - Lore-breaking
X - Fetishization
X - Shipping ***
* - I prefer no rolls for storytelling and better flow in RP but I also know that requires A LOT of trust. I will default to /random with people I have just met. But I'll be a little more 'lax with asking for rolls after a while.
** - Very situational. ERP will never be a first interaction or a sole focus of an RP. Most of the time, if it were to ever happen, I will ask for it to FTB.
*** - Crow is not and will never be in a relationship. Please do not expect this to change. Ever.
Communication is Key!
During my years in this RP community, I've been around the block a few times and one thing, out of everything else on this page, that I ask for is communication!
If it's a long-term RP, I expect a back and forth OOCly.
If something isn't to your liking, I expect you to tell me about to up front because I will be doing the exact same if there is something I dislike.
RP, like any sort of interaction with other people, needs communication and it needs to be a two way street.
Other Info
Home Server - Mateus, Crystal
Active hours - Mid day to night time EST
Discord - darkcr0w [Crow#5433]
Not everything is always in plain sight.
Did you find his secrets?
"More than meets the eye."
I take a lot of screenshots
by following this next link, you will see slightly more OOC pictures of Crow
as well as NSFW screenshots.
"Hidden forever and always."
The content of these pictures does not give you the right to sexualize Crow or metagame anything seen here.